Free pastry at Starbucks day!
This is the first time Owen has ever drawn a picture of me. I'm considering making this into a tattoo, because I love it so much.
The patio furniture is out! Would you believe that this tenacious little rosemary survived the winter? Love that.
An entire episode dedicated to Richard Alpert, aka "Guyliner" on tonight's Lost. SQUEEE!
While you're still here, could you do me a favor?
This is our master bedroom. I hate the color of the walls. I mean, it sucks a bit of my soul away every time I enter the room.
I'm not in love with the bedspread, but we are too cheap too environmentally sound to replace a perfectly good bedspread.
I thought that it would be fun to paint it a bold, bright coral color.
I've learned the hard way that a color that looks good on my toes does not necessarily look good on my walls.
It's not exactly the best color for relaxing and sexy time.
So, dear friends, please tell me what color to paint my walls, m'kay?
Thanks in advance!
a really nice yellow..I love that you said sexy you know Borat..?
I'm not only being biased, but I learned in design school that studies have shown (by "them") that painting a bedroom purple can increase the romance, and perk up your sex life!
And I'm just sayin', I picked the colours for my best friend's house, with purple bedroom...and, oh yeah, Bow Chica Wow Wow
that would be the BEST tattoo. Impressed with your rosemary and jealous as I grew mine from seed, overwintered it inside last year, but somehow killed it this year.
if you are keeping the bed spread (I like it) and cool curtains then you must do some kind of pale lavender it seems to me. You can do a more grayish one if hubby is concerned.
Ps love pic of your son with the big pastry!!!!
I would love a little fresh pastry right now!
PURPLE!! Go for it!!!
It would be stunning.
Maybe just an accent wall in the coral???
I like the "idea" of purple, but I'm not so sure about how long you will like it when faced with it each day.
For bedrooms, I like more subdued colors. Maybe a slate color??
I totally forgot about the freebies at Starbucks today.
I just painted my bedroom Glidden: Clear blue sky.
Its beautiful. Bold enough, but easy on the eyes. Cheerful, clean, open. When I walk into my bedroom, my whole body exhales. I would bathe in the color if I could. I'm thinking of painting my livingroom a barely there yellow color called Creamy buttermilk, or a more tangerine called Vanilla Custard. I'm also thinking of painting Simeon's room Antique Silver.
I think your coral color could be nice, but maybe a couple of shades lighter. I've found that most colors I've used, would have been perfect a few shades lighter.
Love Owen's picture so sounds perfect. As for your walls I'm a plain jane I say a beige or find a fun painting for the wall, or a mirror.
Love the pastry pic and the portrait of you.
Would you believe we are a week behind on LOST?? Ack!!
I'd go with a taupe kind of color. Our bedroom walls were painted to match a light brownish color in our bedspread and even though the bedspread died... the walls are still a very calming, peaceful color for me. Similar to the new background color you picked for the blog (love it, btw)!
It about killed me to say no to the free pastry today when I got my black coffee....that was just super wrong.
I'm home decor stupid, so I'll skip the suggestion there, but I want what your son is having!!!
Love this post! Hmmm....our bedroom is a slate blue color, relaxing. go to to their colors and chec out Blue Feather 540A-3, I love that color! I can't remember the exact color of our bedroom, but it is close to this color. Good LUck!
I'm with the purple/lavendar people, esp. if you're keeping the bedspread. Oh, and I'll be getting LOST tonight, too!
Looks like one happy little boy!
Patio furniture, when is the cookout?
Purple...deep, deep purple with some really neat trim boards in white. Although, red *barn red* would be pretty classy too.
We expect pictures of whatever you paint it.;-)
See now I like the coral. What's wrong with me?
Deep coral with rich brown accents and cream colored candles.
I think that's hot (-:
I LOve your portrait!
why dont you do a cheerful grey? so anythin matches? or bicycle yellow?
I think a pale purple, a lavender kind of color would be wonderful. I had an office that I painted that color once, people would come by just to sit, it was so inviting. It would also look nice with your 'green' spread.
Pale yellow with a brown or dark green accent wall. That's all I got.
First off, I think that would make a DYNAMITE tattoo!
Secondly, I think that I would go with a lilac or as Robin suggested maybe a warm yellow. Or maybe a peach (?) from that cool print on the wall.
I vote for a dusty purple.
I'm kind of partial to lilac for the walls. Perhaps a nice darker shade for one wall.
Also....that butter croissant? Those are so amazing!
I like intense color. Our master bedroom is a rich pomegranate. Love it!
Your son is so darling. I like how you named him after Owen Meany.
I have the same dilemma with my master bed room. All the other rooms in are painted, but I can't decide upon mine. So I'm not going to be any help to you.
I love the picture of Joel in your header!
borders of many colors and varities so as to match your mood no matter what. I kid I kid. I like soothing colors- blues, sagey greens, golden yellows etc. You can dye the comforter- easy breezy. Do I feel a craft based play date coming up?
I don't know if you have a Restoration Hardware anywhere nearby, but trust me on this one, Silver Sage in Satin finish from Restoration Hardware is gorgeous. Very soul soothing.
You can order it online, but the online color doesn't do the color justice. You can go into one of their stores and ask the person working there to take you into the area that is painted that color. It's really nice.
They also have a color Butter that we had our daughters room painted. Bright and cheery, without being too bright or sunny looking.
I'm just checking in to see what color I need to use since you have far more color on your walls than I have on mine. I am hoping that if the bedroom walls get a little spicier than ... well, anyway. Tell us what color you choose.
Just hulu'd last night's LOST. I can't figure how they're gonna wrap it all up in 7 more episodes.
There's a Benjamin Moore color called Bagel. It's the color of a chamois cloth. Gorgeous and versatile. If you want to work with the bedspread my vote is for a dusty lavender/purply color too.
get the tat
Your outdoor furniture is to die for!! I LOVE IT!
My daughter painted her kitchen a coral color and while in certain lights it looks pretty, it's a bit much on all the walls together. Even she's regretting it. I'm thinking an accent wall would be enough. Even though I do love that color!
If you love the coral, use it, but maybe only on one wall (like an accent wall), otherwise it would be too overwhelming. For the other walls, choose a neutral light color like beige or light brown or a light grayish olive. I personally would go for a deep eggplant/plum color for the accent wall and I would use a light cinnamon or beige or olive color for the other walls. The deep purple tones would also match the color of your bedding and bed frame. Not to mention sexy time :)
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